Now Entering Planet ALJ

Orientation was swell today.  Lots of handy dandy information, and also bowling.  Mostly I enjoyed bowling.  Met some good peoples, learned some sweet new bowling techniques, like the lie on your back and kick the ball down the lane one.  Also lots of tasty foods have been provided all day, which is nice because then I don't have to cook anything.  Since orientation stuff ended, Alyssa and I have pretty much been sitting in our living room all night playing with our new computers save for a brief fail-adventure to the main gallery.  We also watched Mean Girls and 10 Things I Hate About You in between the computing.  Then we decided to make a sweet sign for our door that says Now Entering Planet ALJ, because that's what we've deemed our apartment.  It's collagey and totally badass.  Err'one gonna love it.  Also I don't know how to use my computer because I've never really used a Mac besides the computers in the Mac Lab in like middle school.  So that's funsies.  But clearly I've managed to navigate my way to here and facebook, so that's all I really need in life.  Super tired and in for another 4 days of absolutely nothing to do.  We'll see how it goes.


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